
We specialize in a wide variety of mixed media fine art that reflects your unique aesthetic taste, whether it’s canvas art, thread art, murals, or decorative wall finishes.


Our consultations focus on creating beauty and flow in your home, along with working with your company’s culture to promote creativity and productivity.


We provide an array of services, from art hanging, organizing and decorating your home or commercial space, to layering and styling for residential sales and special events.


Introducing art into a space creates life and expresses personality.


Broom Strokes


Double Dripped

An ode to the lights of the Bay Bridge, this piece was inspired by the reflection of the bridge on the San Francisco Bay at night.

Coastal Hills

The making of a textured northern California landscape with an earthy palette.


Drawing with Thread

We love working in 3 dimensional form, using simple everyday materials such as nails and sewing thread to create intricate and beautiful art. This piece makes homage to Sutro Tower in San Francisco.


Large scale custom designs for any space, inside or out.


Whether you have a simple or grand idea, we collaborate with you to make it come to life with a personalized piece of art.



Carmel By The Sea

Bringing the coastal surroundings into the inner courtyard of this beautiful Eichler style home.

Coffee and Wood

We used repurposed wood from various Bay Area establishments - each plank holding its own story - to add the warmth of natural beauty to Bella Trattoria, a San Francisco restaurant.


Ombre Love

Our clients have a personal connection to the San Bruno mountain skyline, and also recognize their home blocks this wonderful view for their neighbors. Having an appreciation for graphics and color, they brought us in to give the gift of this stylized view of the mountain back to the Bernal Heights community.

Into the Clouds

As a wonderful surprise gift for their spouse, our client expressed wanting a natural immersive experience as the entrance to their home. We chose a design of nouveau style clouds, layered within an earthy blue sky for this all white classic Victorian. Perched high on a hill in the Castro District, whether you are entering or exiting this beautiful home, it gives you a dreamy, storybook feeling.

Consulting for a signature look.


Rework the old and bring in the new.


Imagine having someone work with the items you already own to restyle your home, event, or workspace, and pepper the rest with newly selected layers. This is one of the joys we love doing in collaboration with you.